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HOU@SEA: Altuve plates Castro with double to left
TEX@HOU: Castro plates Altuve with single to left
HOU@ARI: Castro doubles to center, plates Altuve
HOU@OAK: Singleton plates Castro with double to left
HOU@LAA: Altuve hammers RBI double to left in return
HOU@ARI: Altuve plates Fowler with double to center
HOU@CLE: Bregman plates Springer on a double to left
HOU@NYY: Altuve rips a double into left
BOS@HOU: Castro doubles to right to score Altuve
LAA@HOU: Carter plates Altuve with single to left
SEA@HOU: Marisnick plates Hernandez on double to left
SEA@HOU: Marte, Mariners nail Castro at the plate